MA Model Curriculum Units

Four Model Curriculum Units – Now Available:

As part of the Race to the Top initiative, teams of MA educators are developing 100 pre-K to 12 model curriculum units in English language arts and literacy, history/social science, mathematics, and science and technology/engineering.

ESE released four units, located at, as prototypes for district use: Grade 3 ELA/Literacy: Whose Story Is It? The Craft and Structure of Writing about History (Topic – Plymouth); Grade 6 Mathematics: Ratios and Rates; Grade 8-10 History/Social Science: US Constitutional Rights; and Grades 9-12 Science and Technology/Engineering: Energy-Physics.

 Older Information:

The Backwards Design template being used by teachers to create Mass. Model Curriculum Units is available here in pdf and here as a word document. To access these items, you'll visit a storage site called MediaFire; once there, click on the green download button.

New: tri-state rubrics available from New York:

And a list of the first set of units in production can be downloaded here (also from Media Fire).


Anonymous said...

Is any teacher allowed to use the mode unit template?

Anonymous said...

Can any teacher use the model unit template?

Damon said...

Thanks for the question!

Yes, these templates, which come directly from Jay McTighe's work, are being made available to all teachers, thanks to the Dep't of Education's contract with Jay. If you have more questions, you can reach me directly:
Take care,