Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Model Curriculum Unit Templates from DESE

As Massachusetts' DESE leads teacher teams through the design of model curriculum units, they provide a template, which incorporate Understanding by Design, an approach also call backwards planning. The template, which appears below, can be accessed by clicking here. UbD guru Jay McTighe lends a hand to the work. 
Content Area/Course:                                                                         Grade(s):               Date:            Time (minutes or hours):

Unit Title:

Lesson Title:

Essential Question(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

Standard(s)/Unit Goal(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

Assumptions about what students know and are able to do coming into this lesson (including language needs):
Where this lesson comes in a sequence:                     
                                                                                Beginning                                             Middle                                                   End

By the end of this lesson students will know and be able to:

Instructional Resources/Tools (What does the complexity of these texts or sources demand of the students?)

Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions

Pre-assessment/ Formative
Summative (optional)

Lesson Sequence and Description
This column may be used to suggest/provide:
  • Content background needed
  • Instructional practices that support academic language development
  • Specific accommodations for students with disabilities, ELLs, advanced students
  • Time estimates for parts of the lesson
  • Specific notes to the teacher

Please provide enough information and details so the teacher can deliver the lesson.

Extended Learning/Practice (homework)

Review outcomes of this lesson:

Preview outcomes for the next lesson:

Teacher Reflection (to be completed after lesson)
What went well in this lesson?
Did all students accomplish the outcome(s))?
What evidence do I have?
What would I do differently next time?


Monday, February 27, 2012

YouTube Explanations of Common Core Themes

Fifteen top-notch videos explain everything Common Core-- from text-dependent analysis to the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Includes cameos by Common Core lead writers. Great site to refer to interested educators.

Thanks to the Hunt Institute for footing the bill and Louise Law for the link!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Teachers Lead Common Core Implementation is created by teachers, for teachers, in the spirit of sharing the work of implementation.

High points: concrete baby steps to take toward implementation and a template for wallet-sized cards that summarize CCSS-defined changes in practice.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What's in it for students?

We need to be clear about why we're implementing the Common Core State Standards. The change will be most effective when every school and district has a shared purpose.

What's the most important change the Common Core State Standards can bring to your students?

Some ideas from your host:
  • We teach so that students'  literacy skills grow coherently from Pre-K through 12.
  • Pre-K through 12 students engage in math instruction built around the eight Standards for Math Practice.